Saturday, July 5, 2008


Boy, have I been busy...and Huntley has lots of firsts!! He has begun to sit up, this started a little after he turned 6 months. He talks alot, at first all he was saying was "da da," now he says "ba ba" and alot of other things we cannot understand! He has learned how to wave "bye bye" and it is so precious!! He has no interest in crawling, holding his bottle, or a sippy cup, he's a man and all of those things require him to work a little, so what can I say..
Some of his firsts include first day at the daycare, first time in Mimi's big pool, first 4th of July, and so on..
Emma is looking forward to her big 7th birthday on the 17th of this month, I can't believe she is going to be that old!!
I have not been a good blogger lately, but I will try to get is keeping me extremely busy, but it does make the time go by faster!!

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